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OldSkool FFL Career Records |
Rank | Wins | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 74 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
2 | 72 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
3 | 70 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
4 | 68 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
5 | 66 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
6 (tie) | 55 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
55 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present | |
8 (tie) | 43 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
43 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present | |
10 | 39 | Guam Bombers | 2000-2005 |
Rank | Wins | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 81 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
2 | 78 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
3 | 77 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
4 | 74 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
5 | 70 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
6 | 61 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
7 | 59 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
8 | 51 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
9 | 46 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present |
10 | 42 | Y2T3 | 2000-present |
Rank | Losses | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 67 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
2 (tie) | 62 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
62 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present | |
4 | 59 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
5 | 58 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
6 (tie) | 51 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
51 | Y2T3 | 2000-present | |
8 | 50 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
9 | 49 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
10 | 47 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
Rank | Losses | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 73 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
2 | 68 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
3 (tie) | 66 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
66 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present | |
5 | 64 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
6 | 56 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
7 (tie) | 55 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
55 | Y2T3 | 2000-present | |
9 | 53 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
10 | 48 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
Rank | Ties | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 6 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
2 | 2 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
3 (tie) | 1 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
1 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present | |
1 | Slumlords | 2000-present | |
1 | The G Men | 2006-present | |
1 | The Smitherines | 2006-present | |
1 | Y2T3 | 2000-present |
(Min 13 games) | ||||
Rank | Win Pct | Record | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 0.621 | 18-11 | Ba Ba Booies | 1999-2000 |
2 | 0.583 | 70-50 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
3 | 0.571 | 8-6 | The Bloody Irish | 1999 |
4 | 0.571 | 68-51-1 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
5 | 0.560 | 74-58-2 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
6 | 0.537 | 72-62 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
7 | 0.529 | 55-49-1 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
8 | 0.520 | 39-36 | Guam Bombers | 2000-2005 |
9 (tie) | 0.500 | 7-7 | DomInators | 1999 |
0.500 | 7-7 | Hawaiian Piney Clan | 1999 |
(Min 13 games) | ||||
Rank | Win Pct | Record | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 0.595 | 78-53-1 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
2 | 0.594 | 19-13 | Ba Ba Booies | 1999-2000 |
3 | 0.569 | 74-56 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
4 | 0.562 | 9-7 | The Bloody Irish | 1999 |
5 | 0.550 | 81-66-2 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
6 | 0.531 | 77-68 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
7 | 0.526 | 61-55-1 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
8 | 0.515 | 51-48 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
9 (tie) | 0.500 | 7-7 | DomInators | 1999 |
0.500 | 7-7 | Hawaiian Piney Clan | 1999 | |
0.500 | 39-39 | Guam Bombers | 2000-2005 |
Rank | Points | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 16390 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
2 | 16358 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
3 | 15569 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
4 | 15562 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
5 | 15538 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
6 | 14483 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
7 | 13909 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
8 | 13160 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present |
9 | 11539 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
10 | 10260 | Y2T3 | 2000-present |
Rank | Points | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 18050 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
2 | 17702 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
3 | 17356 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
4 | 16880 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
5 | 16854 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
6 | 15590 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
7 | 15456 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
8 | 14048 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present |
9 | 12874 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
10 | 11175 | Y2T3 | 2000-present |
(Min 13 games) | ||||
Rank | Pts/Gm | Games | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 137.5 | 30 | The G Men | 2006-present |
2 | 132.5 | 105 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
3 | 129.7 | 120 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
4 | 129.5 | 120 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
5 | 128.3 | 15 | Delaware GasWorks | 2005 |
6 | 128.2 | 90 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
7 | 125.3 | 105 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present |
8 | 125.1 | 30 | The Smitherines | 2006-present |
9 | 122.3 | 134 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
10 | 122.1 | 134 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
(Min 13 games) | ||||
Rank | Pts/Gm | Games | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 138.0 | 34 | The G Men | 2006-present |
2 | 132.1 | 117 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
3 | 131.5 | 132 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
4 | 130.0 | 99 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
5 | 129.6 | 130 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
6 | 126.8 | 16 | Delaware GasWorks | 2005 |
7 | 125.4 | 112 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present |
8 | 124.7 | 33 | The Smitherines | 2006-present |
9 | 122.1 | 145 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
10 | 121.1 | 149 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
(Min 6 games) | ||||
Rank | Win Pct | Record | Team | Season(s) |
1 (tie) | 0.667 | 10-5 | Ba Ba Booies | 1999-2000 |
0.667 | 4-2 | The Bloody Irish | 1999 | |
3 | 0.634 | 42-24-1 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
4 | 0.617 | 37-23 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
5 | 0.545 | 36-30 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
6 | 0.531 | 17-15 | Guam Bombers | 2000-2005 |
7 | 0.523 | 23-21 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
8 (tie) | 0.500 | 28-28-4 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
0.500 | 10-10 | The G Men | 2006-present | |
10 | 0.485 | 32-34-1 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
Rank | Wins | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 42 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
2 | 37 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
3 | 36 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
4 | 32 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
5 | 28 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
6 | 26 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
7 | 25 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present |
8 | 23 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
9 | 21 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present |
10 | 20 | Y2T3 | 2000-present |
Rank | Losses | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 34 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
2 | 33 | Slumlords | 2000-present |
3 (tie) | 30 | Mayhem | 1999-present |
30 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present | |
5 | 28 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
6 | 27 | Wrecking Crew | 2001-present |
7 | 24 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present |
8 (tie) | 23 | Philly Storm | 2000-present |
23 | Y2T3 | 2000-present | |
10 | 21 | CC Taggers | 2002-present |
Rank | Ties | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 4 | Wake 2000 | 2000-present |
2 (tie) | 1 | Jersey Rich Boys | 1999-present |
1 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999-present | |
1 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001-present | |
1 | Slumlords | 2000-present | |
1 | The Smitherines | 2006-present | |
1 | Y2T3 | 2000-present |
Rank | High Pt Weeks | Team |
1 | 21.50 | Mayhem |
2 | 16 | Slumlords |
3 | 15.50 | Roxbury Allstars |
4 | 14 | Philly Storm |
5 | 12 | P-town PimpSTYLEES |
6 | 8 | Wrecking Crew |
7 (tie) | 6 | CC Taggers |
6 | Wake 2000 | |
9 | 5.50 | Jersey Rich Boys |
10 (tie) | 4 | Guam Bombers |
4 | Y2T3 |
Rank | Pts/Season | # Seasons | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 2062.0 | 2 | The G Men | 2006, 2007 |
2 | 1987.0 | 7 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
3 | 1946.1 | 8 | Philly Storm | 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
4 | 1942.2 | 8 | Slumlords | 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
5 | 1924.0 | 1 | Delaware GasWorks | 2005 |
6 | 1923.2 | 6 | CC Taggers | 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
7 | 1880.0 | 7 | Wrecking Crew | 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
8 | 1877.0 | 2 | The Smitherines | 2006, 2007 |
9 | 1821.1 | 9 | Mayhem | 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
10 | 1817.6 | 9 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
Rank | Pts/Season | # Seasons | Team | Season(s) |
1 | 2346.0 | 2 | The G Men | 2006, 2007 |
2 | 2208.0 | 7 | Roxbury Allstars | 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
3 | 2169.5 | 8 | Slumlords | 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
4 | 2145.7 | 6 | CC Taggers | 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
5 | 2106.8 | 8 | Philly Storm | 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
6 | 2057.5 | 2 | The Smitherines | 2006, 2007 |
7 | 2029.0 | 1 | Delaware GasWorks | 2005 |
8 | 2006.9 | 7 | Wrecking Crew | 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
9 | 2005.6 | 9 | P-town PimpSTYLEES | 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |
10 | 1966.9 | 9 | Mayhem | 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 |